Event Overview
Penny Wars is a terrific way to bring the fun and competition out for your campaign event. This event can run anywhere from a week to a month, or even longer. It turns everyone's spare change into charity donations by pitting teams of employees against each other.
This contest needs to be done in person and is best in a single building.
What you'll need to run this event
Before Event
- Choose the point system for your competition as well as the dates it will run (check out this example to see how it all works)
- Decide how you want to split up teams (office vs. office, dept. vs. dept., etc.)
- Decide prize for winning team
- Outreach to advertise event to all possible attendees
- Sign up volunteers for support (setup, cleanup, accepting payment, etc.)
- Get secure containers to house change (water jugs or other see-through containers are good)
During and After Event
- Make sure to have someone who manages all the change for each team so that employees can easily get change to play the game
- Make periodic email announcements to participate
- Make final calculations and announce winning team and charity
- Complete Event Report Form
- 2 volunteers count cash and checks, initial/record on event report form
- estimate total # of participants
- Find SECU branch near you to get FREE cashier check for cash amount
- If unable to get the same day as event, lock up cash/checks overnight
- Mail cashier check to SECC
What you'll get from the SECC for running this event
The SECC will provide the following:
gift card prizes available for some competitions. Reach out to SECC for more details. (***Use request form below***)
***For supplies delivery, please fill out request at least 7 biz days before event. Pickup of supplies available in Durham until day before event***