Event Overview

Cornhole, ping-pong, cards, etc.  Think of a great game that people want to compete in and watch and you have a fun event for everyone in your office to take part in.  Make it a larger event by including food/drinks for people watching to purchase.

This is an in-person event for an office or department.  Could be turned into a multi-location event by having offices within a department crown a winner who then face-off against each other.

What you'll need to run this event

Before Event

  1. Choose Details:
    1. Your game
    2. Entry fee
    3. Identify competition space
  2. Decide if you will have food available to spectators at a cost
  3. Outreach to find participants for event
  4. Outreach to advertise event to all possible attendees
  5. Sign up volunteers for support (setup, cleanup, accepting payment, etc.)
  6. Waiver needed for this event
  7. Create/Get Prizes
    1. Can be separate award or split of entry fees (50/50 with charity of winner's choice)
  8. Request/Get materials depending on food (plates, bowls, tablecloths, bibs, etc.)

During and After Event

  1. Setup of space for competition
  2. Track "paying" attendees
  3. Give out prizes
  4. Breakdown/Cleanup of event
  5. Complete Event Report Form
    1. 2 volunteers count cash and checks, initial/record on event report form
  6. Find SECU branch near you to get FREE cashier check for cash amount
    1. If unable to get the same day as event, lock up cash/checks overnight
  7. Mail cashier check to SECC

What you'll get from the SECC for running this event

  • Food supplies such as bowls, plates, utensils
  • digital waiver for participants
  • Accept participant payment online - (https://ncsecc.org/secc-donor-event/)
  • SECC Shirts and other swag items available as prizes (***Use request form below***)

***For supplies delivery, please fill out request at least 7 biz days before event.  Pickup of supplies available in Durham until day before event***