Event Overview
Photo or other submission type contests are a fun way to do a donor event. They do not require a lot of prep or work and are a great way for employees to donate and have a fun time at work. Popular versions of this event include "Cutest Dog", "Best Halloween Costume", "Funniest Pet", etc.
This can be done as in-person in a single office or virtually and include people across multiple offices and departments.
What you'll need to run this event
Before Event
- If virtual- contact seccsupport@ncsecc.org for access to virtual platform
- Create theme for contest as well as rules, including cost of entry and cost to "vote"
- Outreach to everyone who can participate asking for submissions (include date submissions must be received by)
- Create/Get Awards /Prizes for Winner(s)
During Event
- Share voting information with all employees and re-share as needed
- Track "paying" attendees at event
- Announce Winners and give prizes out
- Complete Event Report Form
- 2 volunteers count cash and checks, initial/record on event report form
- Find SECU branch near you to get FREE cashier check for cash amount
- If unable to get the same day as event, lock up cash/checks overnight
- Mail cashier check to SECC
What you'll get from the SECC for running this event
- Virtual Photo Contest Platform (example only)
- Accept participant payment online (AVAILABLE IF NOT USING THE ONLINE PLATFORM) - (https://ncsecc.org/secc-donor-event/)
- SECC Shirts and other swag items available as prizes. For some competitions, gift cards are available (***Use request form below***)