Event Overview

Photo or other submission type contests are a fun way to do a donor event.  They do not require a lot of prep or work and are a great way for employees to donate and have a fun time at work.  Popular versions of this event include "Cutest Dog", "Best Halloween Costume", "Funniest Pet", etc.

This can be done as in-person in a single office or virtually and include people across multiple offices and departments.

What you'll need to run this event

Before Event

  1. If virtual- contact seccsupport@ncsecc.org for access to virtual platform
  2. Create theme for contest as well as rules, including cost of entry and cost to "vote"
  3. Outreach to everyone who can participate asking for submissions (include date submissions must be received by)
  4. Create/Get Awards /Prizes for Winner(s)

During Event

  1. Share voting information with all employees and re-share as needed
  2. Track "paying" attendees at event
  3. Announce Winners and give prizes out
  4. Complete Event Report Form
    1. 2 volunteers count cash and checks, initial/record on event report form
  5. Find SECU branch near you to get FREE cashier check for cash amount
    1. If unable to get the same day as event, lock up cash/checks overnight
  6. Mail cashier check to SECC

What you'll get from the SECC for running this event